Posts in 2018
Dynamic Ingress in Kubernetes
By Richard Li (Datawire) | Thursday, June 07, 2018 in Blog
Kubernetes makes it easy to deploy applications that consist of many microservices, but one of the key challenges with this type of architecture is dynamically routing ingress traffic to each of these services. One approach is Ambassador, a …
4 Years of K8s
By Joe Beda (Heptio) | Wednesday, June 06, 2018 in Blog
On June 6, 2014 I checked in the first commit of what would become the public repository for Kubernetes. Many would assume that is where the story starts. It is the beginning of history, right? But that really doesn’t tell the whole story. The cast …
Say Hello to Discuss Kubernetes
By Jorge Castro (Heptio) | Wednesday, May 30, 2018 in Blog
Communication is key when it comes to engaging a community of over 35,000 people in a global and remote environment. Keeping track of everything in the Kubernetes community can be an overwhelming task. On one hand we have our official resources, like …
Introducing kustomize; Template-free Configuration Customization for Kubernetes
By Jeff Regan (Google), Phil Wittrock (Google) | Tuesday, May 29, 2018 in Blog
If you run a Kubernetes environment, chances are you’ve customized a Kubernetes configuration — you've copied some API object YAML files and edited them to suit your needs. But there are drawbacks to this approach — it can be hard to go back to the …
Kubernetes Containerd Integration Goes GA
By Lantao Liu (Google), Mike Brown (IBM) | Thursday, May 24, 2018 in Blog
Kubernetes Containerd Integration Goes GA In a previous blog - Containerd Brings More Container Runtime Options for Kubernetes, we introduced the alpha version of the Kubernetes containerd integration. With another 6 months of development, the …
Getting to Know Kubevirt
By Jason Brooks (Red Hat), Kaitlyn Barnard | Tuesday, May 22, 2018 in Blog
Once you've become accustomed to running Linux container workloads on Kubernetes, you may find yourself wishing that you could run other sorts of workloads on your Kubernetes cluster. Maybe you need to run an application that isn't architected for …
Gardener - The Kubernetes Botanist
By Rafael Franzke (SAP), Vasu Chandrasekhara (SAP) | Thursday, May 17, 2018 in Blog
Today, Kubernetes is the natural choice for running software in the Cloud. More and more developers and corporations are in the process of containerizing their applications, and many of them are adopting Kubernetes for automated deployments of their …
Docs are Migrating from Jekyll to Hugo
By Zach Corleissen (CNCF) | Saturday, May 05, 2018 in Blog
Changing the site framework After nearly a year of investigating how to enable multilingual support for Kubernetes docs, we've decided to migrate the site's static generator from Jekyll to Hugo. What does the Hugo migration mean for users and …
Announcing Kubeflow 0.1
By Jeremy Lewi (Google), David Aronchick (Google) | Friday, May 04, 2018 in Blog
Since Last We Met Since the initial announcement of Kubeflow at the last KubeCon+CloudNativeCon, we have been both surprised and delighted by the excitement for building great ML stacks for Kubernetes. In just over five months, the Kubeflow project …
Current State of Policy in Kubernetes
By Zhipeng Huang, Torin Sandall, Michael Elder, Erica Von Buelow, Khalid Ahmed, Yisui Hu | Wednesday, May 02, 2018 in Blog
Kubernetes has grown dramatically in its impact to the industry; and with rapid growth, we are beginning to see variations across components in how they define and apply policies. Currently, policy related components could be found in identity …